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 Adult Sunday School Classes

Vision 2026

Taught by David Peters, Scott Dean, David Lowry, Chris Bass, and Chris Atkins


Our vision is that by 2026, Crossroads will be a community of faithful and humble believers with a growing love for God and His Word, a renewed openness to His movement through the Holy Spirit, and an intentional love for our neighbor in word and deed.
In this class, we’ll explore the 6 supporting elements of Crossroads’ vision, the strides that we’ve already taken toward accomplishing it, and how we can trust God to do great things over the final two years.

Christ the Mediator

Taught by Jason Sutcliffe

Jesus is The Prophet who has come as the final and complete revelation of God, He is the Priest who offers himself as the substitutionary sacrifice for sinners, and He is the King who rules and reigns over His people. Seeing Jesus in these biblical offices will provide us with a greater understanding of who He is and what He has done to save His people.

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Hosea: Apostasy on Trial

Taught by Bryan Harrison

The prophet Hosea was called by God to reveal Israel’s apostasy and put the entire nation on trial, exposing God’s justice and teaching us Old Testament theology about sin and apostasy. At the same time, we see God’s patience with His people and His constant desire for them to be reconciled to Him.

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Covenant Theology Part II – Biblical Covenants from Noah to Christ

Taught by Jason Sutcliffe

How does the Covenant of Grace unfold in the Bible?
This class will explore each of the covenants God establishes in history with individuals or groups to further expand and reveal his ultimate purposes in salvation.

As we move from Noah to Abraham to Israel to David and ultimately to Christ in the New Covenant we will see how these individual covenants fit together to provide a glorious, unified picture of the Covenant of Grace.

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How to Study the Bible

Taught by Senior Pastor Scott Dean

Do you want to be trained in how to study God’s Word?
Do you want to be equipped with practical tools for reading and understanding Scripture?
Come join us for a hands-on, empowering study of the principles and practice of Inductive Bible Study, which will bear much fruit in your spiritual life for years to come

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I Will Be Your God

Taught by Jason Sutcliffe

One of the best ways to describe the main theme of the Bible is God’s declaration “I will be your God and you will be my people”. How God accomplishes this ultimate purpose is best revealed through the idea of covenant – our relationship with God and His with us. This class will explore the foundational elements of Covenant Theology and why this provides the best framework for understanding both God and His Word.

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The Gospel Made Visible

Taught by Larry Brokaw

The Church is the company of people who have been called out of the world by God and set apart for a specific mission. Join us for six weeks as we learn why you need the Church and the Church needs you.

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Vocation IS Ministry

Taught by Dr. Mark Eckel

Our abilities, whatever they may be, are God-given.
Our work, no matter what we do, matters to God.
Our jobs, well done, show our love for others.
In this class we will explore:  God, The Worker; Creation, The Workplace; People & Their Work; Sin & Work; Redeeming Work; The Creational Rhythm of Rest; Housework; Schoolwork; Out-of-Work; Everyday Work; and The Vocation of Suffering


Christianity, Cults, and World Religions

Taught by Vince Edwards

Do you desire to better understand the world’s major religions and grow your skills and confidence to discuss your own beliefs with others in a respectful and productive way?

Just a listing of religious belief systems from around the world can feel foreign and overwhelming. Each is unique in its particular history and practice, but there are also many commonalities. Join us this Fall as we compare the foundational beliefs of Biblical Christianity with many of the modern cults (including Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witnesses) and world religions (including Atheism, Islam and Buddhism) with the hope of building our confidence in engaging others about their beliefs with grace and understanding.

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Why the University should matter to the Church

Taught by Dr. Mark Eckel

In this six-part series we will explore Hebraic-Christian foundations for schooling. The Church’s historic role in teaching-learning, reasons why education matters to the Christian worldview, and the need to have sure doctrinal footing to withstand cultural attacks against believers on campus.

“Have We Lost Our Minds?!”  Biblical Christians in Culture

Taught by Dr. Mark Eckel

Christians need to (1) discover truth, (2) construct a foundation of truth, and (3) confront untruth with truth to look at the world through the lens of The Word. Join us this Fall as we address key Biblical Truths that help us live as Biblical Christians in Culture.

Pathways Counseling Center

Need to talk to someone? Learn more about biblical counseling.