Meet our Director of Pathways Counseling Center

Ellen Olivetti

Ellen and Gene Olivetti were founding members of Crossroads in 1998, and started Pathways Counseling Center at the church in 2014. They received their ACBC Counseling Certifications together in 2012 and their Marriage Specialization Certifications in 2018. Ellen and Gene have been married 50 years, have three sons, and 12 grandchildren. They love to travel and spend time with family and friends. Ellen started her career as an English teacher and then went on to own a technical writing business for 30 years. In the early 2000s, God put it on their hearts to take the training to become biblical counselors. After counseling at another center for two years, they opened Pathways in 2014, and Ellen became the Director in 2017. Since its inception, Pathways’ ministry has grown to serve both Crossroads’ members and other Christians throughout the local area, as well as believers throughout the country via online platforms such as Google Meet and Zoom.

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